Customer manual 2024

Causes for change:

Removal by Lekkerland. Lekkerland Account Support informs the customer through the short message on a weekly basis about the removal of items. This removal may take place on the instructions of the supplier or Lekkerland.

Change to sales For customers whose head office manages the product range for the affiliated points of sale, the following ap plies: if one of the following changes is foreseen by the customer, this must be communicated two weeks in advance by email to Lekkerland Account Support, so that this can be anticipated. • Number of points of sale: a point of sale is opened or closed by the customer. • More concepts/business unit: increasing sales be cause more concepts/business units of customer carries the item. • Removal of concept: decreasing sales because customer concepts/business units remove the item. • Promotional offers: temporarily increased sales due to a promotional offer at the customer. If sup plier does not approve the volume, CVB notifies customer. Customer has special offer cancelled / plans new promotional offer form with adjusted timing. Individual customers are also requested to indicate when an event takes place that causes an incidental disproportionate increase in volume. This should be reported to Lekkerland Customer Service two weeks prior to this event. In the case of sales changes due to autonomous growth / contraction, or steadily increasing / decre asing sales figures, will be anticipated by CVB. Removal by customer. For customers where the head office manages the pro duct range, Lekkerland must always be given at least two weeks’ notice of the removal of wholesale product range items. This also applies to individual customers with items with sales higher than approximately 40 packages per week. For product category 1 items, the customer is not res ponsible for inventory, but in the event of a large sales volume within that item, the customer may be asked to purchase a proportional portion of the remainder. Removal of item.

Item price changes for head offices.

• Lekkerland communicates any price changes in product category 1, 2 and 3 ambient and frozen items two weeks before going into effect. • Price changes in product category 1, 2 and 3 (day) fresh items Lekkerland communicates price changes at least five days before going into effect, which is always a Monday. • For commodity prices of “milk model” items, Lek kerland communicates price changes at least two weeks before going into effect. The effective date is always on a Monday. • Exceptions to the above are price changes for coffee & tea, oil & lubricants, excise & tax measu res, government measures and price changes due to force majeure. No fixed date or term can be agreed for these, as the period of implementation cannot be fixed in advance. • Tax measures which give rise to price increases will, if known, be notified by Lekkerland to the customer and its affiliated points of sale as soon as possible. No fixed date or term can be agreed for this, as the date of implementation cannot be fixed in advance. • Price changes are communicated to the head office by Account Support with the following data: Lek kerland item number, EAN code of the order unit, item description, brand, content of the order unit, logistics flow, old calculation price, new calculation price, old invoice price, new invoice price.


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