Suppliers Manual 2024

Suppliers Manual | 2025

Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.

02 | 03 08 | 09

BRC Storage & distribution Lekkerland is BRC certified. This means that

• The NVWA imposes a fine because a report was not made to the NVWA in time.

Lekkerland may only do business with suppliers who can also guarantee the food safety of their products, i.e. they comply with the provisions of the Commodities Act (Warenwet). The supplier is therefore responsible for ensuring that the goods that are delivered to Lekkerland comply with all the legal requirements. Skal Lekkerland is Skal certified. Skal Bio Control is the independent supervisor that checks the demonstrability and reliability of biological products. If you deliver organic products to Lekkerland, you should enclose a copy of your Skal certificate prior to GDP We follow the quality guidelines fort the correct distribution of medicine and medicine related products. Lean & Green We are affiliated to Lean and Green Logistics. This means that we follow a CO2 reduction program and are actively involved to make our logistics processes more sustainable. Lekkerland is one of the few Dutch companies with a third Lean & Green star. BLK The Better Life Label (BLK) indicates the level of animal friendliness in the production of meat, eggs, and dairy through a star system. The more stars, the more adjustments have been made for the welfare of the animals. Lekkerland is part of the chain as a Logistics Service Provider. Lekkerland Nederland B.V. conforms to the principles and guidelines of the Dutch Food Retail Association (CBL). In the event of a recall, the Quality Manager and the responsible Category Manager at Lekkerland Neder land B.V. should be informed, both by email and by telephone. As regards Quality Manager, the e-mail address is and the telephone number is 06-54244002. Calling both contacts is necessary as e-mails are not read immediately, so the recall procedure cannot be initiated immediately. The possible consequences of this include that: • Customers and the internal organisation are informed too late; • The goods are not blocked in time and delivered as yet; the first delivery. Please send this to 5.2 Recall

It is of (vital) importance that a recall is processed immediately and adequately and we therefore urge you to urge you to take the appropriate steps and inform other stakeholders in your organisation accordingly. If the above agreements are not met, we will charge the resulting costs to you as the supplier.

If you would like to know more about Lekkerland’s recall procedure, please ask the Quality Manager.

If, on the instructions of the manufacturer/ supplier or another authorized customer, products must be recalled from customers or distribution centers of Lekkerland Nederland B.V., the resulting costs will be charged to the relevant supplier. Lekkerland has standard price rates for this including fixed and variable component. In attachment 4 you can find an overview of the calculation used in case of a recall. This document is subject to change and no rights can be derived from this attachment. Our quality manager will send you a specification of the costs afterwards. Lekkerland works according to the Dutch working conditions legislations (Arbo). We assume that all our suppliers work according this legislation and take responsibility for it. Regarding lifting weights, the legislation has a maximum of 23 kg per colli (if it is manageable) per person. Shipping displays cannot always meet this limit. We expect you to follow the following guidelines (contact us if this is not possible): 5.3 ARBO (health and safety legislation)

Total weight per pallet in KG


> 23

It must be transportable on a roll cage equipped with handles and must be manageable by one person. It must be transportable on a roll cage. On all 4 sides it should be clearly marked: Attention - Heavy (Let op - zwaar). Only allowed with per mission of Lekkerland Category Manager. The display needs to be sepa rated from the goods.

23 < x < 60

> 60

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