Customer manual 2024

Item prices customer-specific suppliers (product category 4 and 6) The customer agrees prices directly with the supplier¬- cier and communicates them to Lekkerland Account Support. For items in product categories 4 and 6, the customer is also responsible for communicating to Lekkerland the price-increasing elements caused by surcharges set by the government, such as depo sits, excise duties, waste management fee and SUP. If government claims on these elements differ from those indicated by the customer, they will be retroac tively settled with the customer. If, as a result of such deviation, Lekkerland is imposed an (administrative) fine or incurs any other loss¬, this will be passed on in full to the customer. If the customer makes deviating price agreements with a supplier for items in product categories 1, 2 and 3, this can only be done through a direct bypass. Purchase price change customer- specific suppliers (product category 4 and 6) The customer is responsible for the accuracy of purchase prices for items in product category 4 and 6. In the event of a purchase price change for these items, the supplier agrees this directly with the custo mer, after which the customer submits the purchase price changes to Lekkerland Account Support. Lekker land acts on information provided by the customer and not on supplier instructions. This is subject to a lead time of at least 10 working days before the purchase price change goes into effect and must be provided in a format in which only the items with changed prices are stated. When several customers want to carry the same physical item with product category 6, this results in a different purchase price and the pro¬duct category changes to 1 or 3; the new price is determined by Lekkerland in consultation with the producer. This will result in a change for the customer who already carries the item.


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