Suppliers Manual 2024
Attachments 5: Deviation portal manual
Lekkerland strives for the perfect order and to be the most convenient partner. Part of this vision is error-free logistics, delivering what the customer ordered on time. To ensure that the right articles are collected, the objective is to run as many logistics transactions as possible via article EAN scan confirmation. To make this possible, a GS1-compliant barcode on all packaging levels and corresponding EAN master data are required. Articles delivered with deviations from the logistics conditions / EAN master data and barcode, as stated in the supplier’s manual are reported upon receipt of goods via a standard process as deviation in Legmis, with photos as evidence on the CargoSnap web portal. All reported information comes together automatically on the deviation portal. A direct link to photos can be found as evidence for reports and both internal and external parties can work in the same file, making synchronisation problems between different forms of administration a thing of the past. The portal also provides email triggers towards the relevant Lekkerland HK department and suppliers in case of new reports or important updates in a file. The aim of the portal is transparency and ease of use in the tracking of deviations, to ultimately minimise the processing time from report to solution and eliminate deviations in the future, so that scanning can be structurally applied as an assurance tool in all warehouse processes. 1. General Operation of the portal The portal can be found at The portal is fed daily with an export of deviations reported in Legmis (Lekkerland ERP/WMS system) the previous working day, generally on goods receipt. Items always arrive with status ‘new’ and the relevant Lekkerland department receives a daily sum mary with new reports on the portal by email. New reports are validated by the relevant Lekkerland HK department based on Legmis data and Car gosnap photos and are approved or rejected on that basis. Approved in this case means that the report was rightly made and that there is a deviation that must be followed up by the supplier. Upon approval by HK, an automatic email is sent to the supplier and the file can be accessed by the supplier in the portal. A supplier has limited rights and can view the file on the deviation portal and request photos Cargo snap via a direct link. Communication between supplier and Lekkerland takes place via a separate chat box per article file. As soon as a new comment is made in the chat, the relevant contacts receive a notification by email. 2. Users Suppliers will get an own account on the portal, based on an email address. Lekkerland must create an account for a supplier, after which the supplier receives a confirmation email and can then set its own password. For maintenance purposes, suppliers are requested to link to a general shared mail box, so that Lekkerland does not have to make changes to users in the event of staffing changes on the supplier side. In the future, Lekkerland prefers to work by obtaining E-CMR.
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