Suppliers Manual 2024

3. Suppliersl It is possible to link multiple email addresses to 1 supplier. The linked email addresses will receive mails in case of new reports and when these are tagged in the external chat. Tagging is on person level, in which case only 1 person will receive an email. In case of comments without tag, all mail ad dresses linked to the supplier or Lekkerland department will receive an email. 4. Articles New reports of deviations come in daily at night and are automatically supplemented. These are always reports from the previous working day. Reports are displayed in the main overview according to Lekkerland article number, supplier article number, article description, supplier, last report date, deviation and status. It is possible to filter on the basis of all these fields. 4.1 Article detail window Report details: Suppliers receive a notification only if it is internally ‘approved’, meaning that the report is justified. A report is rejected if it is unjustified based on human error. aangevuld. Dit zijn altijd meldingen van de voorgaande werkdag. Meldingen worden in het hoofdoverzicht weergegeven o.b.v. Artikelnr. Lekkerland, artikelnr. leverancier, artikelomschrijving, leverancier, laatste meldingsdatum, afwijking en status. Op al deze velden kan gefilterd worden. 4.1 Artikel detailvenster Melding details: Leveranciers krijgen een melding pas binnen als deze intern ‘goedgekeurd’ is, wat betekent dat de melding terecht is. Een melding wordt afgekeurd als deze onterecht is o.b.v. een menselijke fout.










EAN onbekend




Details: A. Article supplier details B. Scanned barcode + EANs in Legmis master data C. Scanned packaging level D. Deviation detected E. Article name F. Content of order unit from customers to Lekkerland - may deviate from supplier. G. Indicator whether there are photos on Cargosnap as evidence H. Reports history: how often and when an article has been reported as deviation I. Status history: overview of different stages of tracking with timeline and users. J. Current status: only editable by Lekkerland K. Shortcut to file with photos on Cargosnap L. Shortcut to screen with chat for comments regarding a file. Here the supplier can communicate with Lekkerland regarding the tracking status. A. Leveranciersdetails artikel B. Gescande barcode + EAN's in Legmis masterdata C. Gescand verpakkingsniveau D. Geconstateerde afwijking E. Artikelnaam F. Inhoud van de besteleenheid vanuit klanten naar Lekkerland – kan afwijken tov leverancier. 4.3 Communication Communication regarding article tracking is done via a chat box in the article detail file. There is a separate chat box for internal use and one for external communication, which can be found under the ‘comments’ button. If someone is tagged with @yourname, this user will receive an email notifying them that there is a new message on the portal. Tagging can only be done to users who already exist in the portal. The chat opens on ‘internal’ by default, so that internal communication is not accidentally sent to a sup plier. Without @tag, an email is triggered to all linked email addresses of the supplier or Lekkerland depart ment. With @tag, an email only goes to the specific addressee. 4.2 Cargosnap: view photos A file with photos in Cargosnap can be requested directly from the details window. These photos serve as evidence for the report.

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