Suppliers Manual 2024
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Suppliers Manual 2025 | V.1 Annual publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
Suppliers Manual | 2025
Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
02 | 03
Contact Details
8.6 Missing goods
8.7 Deposit packaging (Emballage)
17 19 20 20 20 20 21 21 22 22 22 22
1. Introduction
8.8 Load carries
2. About Lekkerland
9. Service Level Agreement (SLA)
3. Distribution Centers
9.1 Goal
4. Sustainability
9.2 Duration of this SLA 9.3 Delivery performance (kpi’s) 9.4 Quality standards 9.5 Unforeseen quality
09 09 09 09 10 10 10 10 10 10 12 12 12 12
5. Quality
5.1 Certificates
5.2 Recall 5.3 ARBO
5.4 Traceability
5.5 Alternative Suppliers 5.6 Data / confidentiality
10. Invoicing
10.1 Invoicing by ED 10.2 Non-EDI Invoicing 10.3 Focus of attention 10.4 Invoicing deposit packaging
6. Supplier management / Master data
6.1 Supplier Management 6.2 Product Management 6.3 Product specifications
10.5 Invoicing non-tradeable goods 10.6 Forwarding deliveries
23 23
6.4 Price mutations
7. Ordening Method
11. Signing Form
7.1 Ordening
7.2 Delivery days and times per DC
1: Rolling load carriers 2: Dolly en Kegs procedure 3: Aloowed Pool-Kegs 4: Overview rcall costs 5: Deviation portal manual
8. Delivery Criteria
8.1 Deliveries 14 8.2 Handling inbound goods 14 8.3 Lekkerland Supply Chain 14 8.4 General deliveries matters 15 8.5 Unloading goods and SSCC labeling 15
This document is subject to change and no rights can be derived from this.
Category Manager Non Food & Solutions Natasja Onderwater M 06 5329 0216 Category Support Foodservice & Non Food T 088 747 41 10
Contact Details Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
Ekkersrijt 7601 - 5692 HR Son T 040 264 44 00
Purchasing & Category Management Assortment management and price agreements
Category Management Tobacco Category Group Manager Erik Wijnia M 06 2958 0906 Category Manager Tobacco Ronald Meulendijks M 06 5424 4032
Category Management Confectionary & Beverages Category Group Manager Eelco de Vries M 06 1156 8132 Category Manager Beverages Sjoerd Kirkels M 06 5494 5171 Category Manager Confectionery Bas van Moll M 06 2956 1187 Junior Category Manager Confectionery Marieke Winthagen M: 06 8102 4878 Category Support Confectionery & Beverages T 040 264 4453 Category Management Fresh & Frozen & Non Food Category Group Manager Chris de Groot M 06 5117 9530 Category Manager Foodservice Patrick van Leijenhorst M 06 5479 3176 Junior Category Manager Foodservice Mike Verdonschot M 06 2224 0891 Category & Channel Development Manager Tijn Cardinaal M 06 1586 1200
Category Support Tobacco M 06 2159 6138
Category Management Electronic Value
Sales Manager Electronic Value Anne Kasperaitis M 06 5257 1486 Accountmanager Electronic Value Youri Julius M 06 2907 3227
Category Coördinator EVA Brenda Grooters M 06 5478 3106
Sales Support EVA T 040 294 3047
Supply Chain Management Ambient
Valuable Paper cvb.tabak.waardepapieren.nonfood@lekker
Suppliers Manual | 2025 Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
04 | 05
Accounts Payable
Cooled Products (Fresh) & Frozen
Invoices should be sent to:
Logistic Support Manager Mark Pasnagel M 06 2155 0327
And to be addressed to:
Lekkerland Nederland B.V. Attn. Accounts Payable Ekkersrijt 7601 5692 HR Son
Supply Chain Coordinator Gisbert Smink T 040 264 4867
Manager Accounts Payable Vacancy
Ruud Ickenroth T 040 294 3041
Master Data
Teamlead Supply Chain Management Paul van der Laan M 06 298 7059
Teamlead Manager Master Data Yari Driesen M 06 2902 8297
Distributions Centers
Teamlead Operations, Packaging & Projects Ard van Anken M 06 2120 6431
Lekkerland DC Son Ekkersrijt 7601 5692 HR Son T 088 747 41 00
Postbus 17 5690 AA Son
Customer Service
T 088 747 41 00
Lekkerland DC Waddinxveen Louis Dobbelmannweg 20 2742 JZ Waddinxveen T 088 747 41 00
Quality Management
Postbus 68 2740 AB Waddinxveen
Quality Manager Peter Wijlaars
M 06 5424 4002
Lekkerland DC Meppel Industrieweg 36 7944 HS Meppel T 088 747 41 00
Dunja van der Laar-Peerlings M 06 5257 1484
Postbus 200 7940 AE Meppel
Consultant Quality
Mike Schoonderwoerd M 06 5067 7174
Data pools Lekkerland expressly wishes to use data pools for supplying product data, namely PS in Foodservice and GS1 Data Source, where preference is given to PS in Foodservice. From 2024, PS in Foodservice will offer the ‘PS Impact Score’ tool, with which the CO2 Footprint can be calculated per product. For more information, see the PS in Foodservice website. The data pools ensure the exchange of generic product data, about which the supplier and the buyer have made agreements. This concerns product data of products and packaging that are scanned in the chain from supplier to customer and/or consumer.
Suppliers Manual | 2025 Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
06 | 07
1. Introduction
3. Distribution Centers
In order to help our clients to become more successful, Lekkerland connects with suppliers and service partners. This way we enhance each other’s strengths during times full of opportunities. We deliver solutions, not just products. We think ahead and look beyond just the product. We know our customers and the challenges their stores face. Therefore, we offer not just popular and successful How do we do that? With our custom-made concepts and services. This way we create added value for all our partners – ranging from suppliers to service partners up to our customers. We aspire to become ‘your most convenient partner’ for all our customers providing the best quality and service. Therefore, we require you as a supplier to meet the same high norms and standards that we also ask ourselves: A full-service specialist providing the highest quality while meeting international standards combined with regional flexibility. This supplier manual provides general information, rules and guidelines that apply to Lekkerland Netherlands. It complements the general terms and conditions of Lekkerland and applies to all the contracts of Lekkerland Netherlands. We are free to make changes to these terms and conditions. If necessary, a new version will be released. You can find the latest version of this document on our website: 2. About Lekkerland Lekkerland is the specialist for on-the-go consumption in four European countries. In 2023, our 5,700 employees delivered to over 62.800 points of sale across Europe. Group sales amounted to EUR 15.1 billion. Since 2020, Lekkerland has been part of the REWE Group, one of the leading food retail and tourism groups in Germany and Europe. In 2023, the company achieved total sales of more than EUR 84.8 billion. Founded in 1927, the REWE Group is represented in 21 European countries with more than 389,000 employees. products but also our knowhow and years of experience in the on-the-go consumption.
Distribution Centre Son DC Son has a working area with 30.250 m² of storage. The warehouse has a chilled storage area of 1.900 m² and frozen storage area of 1.800 m². Around 200 employees take care of the daily flow of goods. In Son, Lekkerland has around 50 vehicles. Aside from the full-service operation (tobacco, confectionary, drinks, chilled and frozen goods) for the region South- Netherlands also national logistics are organized from DC Son:
• Slow movers ambient • Convenience (Single item picking) • Bonded warehouse • Customer specific private label goods • Car-related products
All national activities are picked per customer get distributed to the regional DC’s in a cross-dock operation. For convenience products regional DC’s draw their stock from DC Son’s warehouse stock. Distribution Centre Waddinxveen The new state-of-the-art DC opened in September 2024 and spanning approximately 40.000 m², has a frozen area of 5000 m² and a chilled storage area of around 5000 m². Around 400 employees take care of the daily flow of goods. DC Waddinxveen supplies their customers on a daily base using around 60 vehicles, including 14 specially equipped vehicles for transporting frozen en chilled products. Distribution Centre Meppel Our smallest DC in Meppel has a storage capacity of around 10.000 m². It has a chilled storage area of around 280 m² and a frozen area of around 560m². Around 150 employees collect around 290.000 colli of confectionary, tobacco, chilled and frozen goods. With 40 cars, of which 11 are suitable for frozen/chil led goods, they supply the customers on a daily base. These customers include different industries including petrol stations, candy stores, tobacco shops, super markets and so on.
EUDR The Regulation on Deforestation-free products (EUDR) stipulates that only goods and products that do not cause deforestation or forest degradation may be placed on the market. Additionally, it must be legally produced. Products originating from areas deforested after December 30, 2020, may not be placed on the EU market and may not be exported. See also: https:// biodiversiteit/ontbossingsvrije-producten From December 31, 2025, Lekkerland will no longer have products in our product range if they do not comply with the EUDR legislation. Part of this law is the obligation for producers to place their due diligence statement (DDS) in an online system being developed by the EU, providing evidence that no deforestation has occurred in the supply chain. You must therefore be able to demonstrate that your products comply with this legislation. In light of the EUDR (and the CSRD and CSDDD), GS1 and PS in Foodservice will add the necessary article fields so that these can be shared through the data pools. 5. Quality We do everything to make our customers successful. Store owners and managers trust and depend on the quality we provide. We therefore need products and deliveries of the highest constant quality. This is why quality management is very important for Lekkerland. Quality in the area of all processes, continuous improvement is what drives us. Lekkerland is certified according to strict globally recognised standards and is challenged om compliance of those rules regularly. EcoVadis Lekkerland has a silver medal from the EcoVadis CSR (Corporate Social Responsibility) rating. EcoVadis is an independent organization that has reviewed Lekkerland’s policy and given a rating in the field of Corporate Social Responsibility (CSR). ISO 9001 Our processes comply to international norms for quality management systems. We improve our processes on a continuous base. ISO 14001 Lekkerland works with a quality-management system for environmental management according to the ISO 14001 standard. We are currently certified to the current ISO 14001:2015 standard. This ensures we manage and improve our environmental performance. 5.1 Certificates
4. Sustainability At Lekkerland, sustainability is about much more than just logistics. It’s a driving force behind everything we do. We are constantly working on new developments, translating them into smart solutions and continuing to expand our sustainability policy. Ultimately, we want to bring more efficiency and more innovation to every process in our chain. Not just for ourselves, but for our partners too. Together, we will build a strong, sustainable relationship, and our initiatives are helping them to be more conscious, greener, and more successful. High-quality products delivered to the right place at the right time delivery is the standard we set. But our product responsibility doesn’t end as soon as an order is delivered. We stand for transparency and actively engage with our suppliers and customers – on how we can prevent food waste, how we can return, reuse, and recycle packaging materials, and more. We even offer circular solutions for various waste streams, so we can give waste a new lease of life. Lekkerland wants suppliers to get involved and play a firm role in achieving the sustainable ambitions that we have set for the following key areas.
On the way to zero emissions: • We use sustainable transport efficiently to move our goods. Use each product consciously: • Strive for as much circularity in the chain as possible when it comes to using materials • Reduce our usage of materials such as packaging • Opt for recycled material (recyclate) and easily recyclable material (no compound materials and no single-use materials) first. • Reuse or recycle materials when we have finished with them. Lekkerland has it’s CO 2 footprint calculated annually by an independent agency, in line with the GHG Protocol (Greenhouse Gas Protocol). All emissions from the business activities of Son, Meppel en Waddinxveen are included in the calculation.
Suppliers Manual | 2025
Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
02 | 03 08 | 09
BRC Storage & distribution Lekkerland is BRC certified. This means that
• The NVWA imposes a fine because a report was not made to the NVWA in time.
Lekkerland may only do business with suppliers who can also guarantee the food safety of their products, i.e. they comply with the provisions of the Commodities Act (Warenwet). The supplier is therefore responsible for ensuring that the goods that are delivered to Lekkerland comply with all the legal requirements. Skal Lekkerland is Skal certified. Skal Bio Control is the independent supervisor that checks the demonstrability and reliability of biological products. If you deliver organic products to Lekkerland, you should enclose a copy of your Skal certificate prior to GDP We follow the quality guidelines fort the correct distribution of medicine and medicine related products. Lean & Green We are affiliated to Lean and Green Logistics. This means that we follow a CO2 reduction program and are actively involved to make our logistics processes more sustainable. Lekkerland is one of the few Dutch companies with a third Lean & Green star. BLK The Better Life Label (BLK) indicates the level of animal friendliness in the production of meat, eggs, and dairy through a star system. The more stars, the more adjustments have been made for the welfare of the animals. Lekkerland is part of the chain as a Logistics Service Provider. Lekkerland Nederland B.V. conforms to the principles and guidelines of the Dutch Food Retail Association (CBL). In the event of a recall, the Quality Manager and the responsible Category Manager at Lekkerland Neder land B.V. should be informed, both by email and by telephone. As regards Quality Manager, the e-mail address is and the telephone number is 06-54244002. Calling both contacts is necessary as e-mails are not read immediately, so the recall procedure cannot be initiated immediately. The possible consequences of this include that: • Customers and the internal organisation are informed too late; • The goods are not blocked in time and delivered as yet; the first delivery. Please send this to 5.2 Recall
It is of (vital) importance that a recall is processed immediately and adequately and we therefore urge you to urge you to take the appropriate steps and inform other stakeholders in your organisation accordingly. If the above agreements are not met, we will charge the resulting costs to you as the supplier.
If you would like to know more about Lekkerland’s recall procedure, please ask the Quality Manager.
If, on the instructions of the manufacturer/ supplier or another authorized customer, products must be recalled from customers or distribution centers of Lekkerland Nederland B.V., the resulting costs will be charged to the relevant supplier. Lekkerland has standard price rates for this including fixed and variable component. In attachment 4 you can find an overview of the calculation used in case of a recall. This document is subject to change and no rights can be derived from this attachment. Our quality manager will send you a specification of the costs afterwards. Lekkerland works according to the Dutch working conditions legislations (Arbo). We assume that all our suppliers work according this legislation and take responsibility for it. Regarding lifting weights, the legislation has a maximum of 23 kg per colli (if it is manageable) per person. Shipping displays cannot always meet this limit. We expect you to follow the following guidelines (contact us if this is not possible): 5.3 ARBO (health and safety legislation)
Total weight per pallet in KG
> 23
It must be transportable on a roll cage equipped with handles and must be manageable by one person. It must be transportable on a roll cage. On all 4 sides it should be clearly marked: Attention - Heavy (Let op - zwaar). Only allowed with per mission of Lekkerland Category Manager. The display needs to be sepa rated from the goods.
23 < x < 60
> 60
5.4 Traceability
• A stationery with the company letterhead and/or a copy of a recent bank statement (not older than three months) containing all details including IBAN number, BIC code, and VAT number. You can send these to your Lekkerland contact, either by post of by mail at the same time as the supplier form. Lekkerland does not purchase products directly from suppliers/producers located outside the EU or EEA; products are placed on the Dutch, European, or EEA markets through intermediaries first. If the supplier is not an EU or EEA-based producer (within the meaning of Book 6, Article 187, paragraph 2 or paragraph 3 of the Dutch Civil Code) of the products delivered to Lekkerland, the supplier must notify Lekkerland prior to the first delivery. In such cases, Lekkerland reserves the right to terminate the agreement without being liable for damages. Listing new products Condition for admission: for a period of eight months, Lekkerland receives a 100% return right at no cost on our part. After these 8 months we will decide on definite listing. Delisting products In case you decide to delist a product, we require you to notify your contact person of category management in writing 8 weeks in advance. Also include the reasons for delisting and define possible alternatives. Product categories Within Lekkerland we distinguish the following product categories (next page). We assume that you will deliver all our 3 DC’s. However, depending on the agreements made with our supply chain department, delivery on 1 DC is also possible. If you want to deliver to 1 DC, we will charge you our handling costs. Please contact our supply chain department for more information. Slow movers Products with a slow turnover speed are handled through the central warehouse. The warehouse makes these products nationally available. The listing of new ambient products will start from the slow-mover warehouse in Son. We charge a surcharge per product unit for this facility. Every six months, measurements are taken to determine which products have mutated from being a slow mover to be a standard product (in stock in all the DCs), and vice versa. 6.2 Product Management
The traceability of the products based on best before date and lot codes are the responsibility of the supplier.
5.5 Alternative Suppliers
If you decide to use an alternative supplier, you should always do this with permission of the quality management and category management department. You will remain responsible for the agreement.
5.6 Data / confidentiality:
The supplier ensures that it treats all data, including personal data, provided by Lekkerland confidentially and in accordance with applicable laws and regulations. 6. Supplier management / Master data As a Lekkerland supplier you are responsible for the correct, timely and complete supply of data and to report any changes as soon as possible. Our Category Support department represents the commercial activities of the category management department including data processing of supplier information and all information concerning products. For some key-accounts we have special service teams that are responsible for data processing of supplier information and all information concerning customer specific products. Please go to chapter 6.2 for more information. To ensure comprehensive accounts payable management, the following details should be provided to register as a new supplier for Lekkerland or to report any changes: • The supplier details should be provided in full, using the supplier form. The most recent version of the form can be downloaded from over/leveranciers. In order to maintain and enhance our food safety program we need information about your quality system and the products you deliver to us. If your products could form a risk regarding food safety, you will receive an email with an invitation to our online form. We ask you to fill in this form and to include the required certificates in the attachment. You 6.1 Supplier Management
will receive a confirmation from our quality department including your information.
Suppliers Manual | 2025
Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
02 | 03
Products that should be stored and kept at room temperature, such as sweets, drinks, food/non-food, and tobacco. Chilled Products that should be stored and transported in a chilled condition (minimum 0°C and maximum 7°C), such as bread rolls, salads, and dairy products. In case of stock keeping chilled products deliveries must be made 1 to 5 times a week, depending on the best before date. In case of cross-dock customer level or pick to zero this takes place at least six times a week.
Products that must be stored and transported in a frozen condition (maximum -18 °C), such as impulse buy and other ice creams and pizzas.
Customer specific products These products are available to only one customer and will not be mentioned in our product catalogue. They need to have an unique EAN-code on the box, as well on the consumer’s unit. If commercial agreements deviate from regular commercial conditions we will handle this by creating a specific accounts payable number. The full responsibility regarding residual stock and price mutations is for the customer. With customer specific products Lekkerland only acts according to the information provided by the client, not by de supplier. Therefore, all mutations have to be communicated with the client directly. Visuals All new and changed products should also be accompanied by a digital image. The image must have a resolution of at least 300 dpi. The product images should be saved in JPEG format with minimum compression and, therefore, maximum quality.
If you are unable to provide the correct image, we can take the photograph for you. In that case, we would like to receive a sample of the relevant product. You will be charged for the costs incurred.
6.3 Product specifications
deviations are found to the specifications, we will charge the incurred costs to the supplier. • You give Lekkerland, or a party appointed by Lekkerland, permission to carry out an audit at your company into compliance with the provisions of the Commodities Act (Warenwet) and BRC requirements. Test reports can always be requested by Lekkerland. • In the event of ‘faulty’ production, the product may never be re-sold to other parties in Lekkerland packaging or with a Lekkerland label. • Price changes for Lekkerland Nederland B.V. should be communicated at least eight weeks prior to the first Monday of the month. • Changes to prices for customer-specific items are not handled by Lekkerland, but should be submitted to the customer. Lekkerland only makes changes on behalf of the customer. • Price changes for Maxxam and its members should be communicated at least eight weeks prior to this first Monday of the month. • You should provide the price mutation both digitally (editable Excel file) and hard copy, including an explanation for the price mutation. • Changes to prices for customer-specific items are not handled by Lekkerland, but should be submitted to the customer. Lekkerland only makes changes on behalf of the customer. 7. Ordening Method 7.1 Ordening The exchange of orders, order confirmations, delive ries and invoices between supplier and Lekkerland preferably takes place electronically by means of EDI messages. We use the following type of EDI-messa ging: 6.4 Price mutations
As a supplier you are responsible for the delivery and maintenance of product specifications and information via GS1 Data Source and/or PS in Foodservice! We will inform you about additional requests and trust you to handle this with our client directly. Hazardous & chemical substances You should state on the Lekkerland product form whether the product concerns a hazardous substance and, if it does, you should include the correct UN number. When sending the completed product form, you should also include the corresponding material data safety sheet (SDS) in Dutch, as required by Dutch law. These should preferably be delivered in digital format. Hazardous substances that are delivered to Lekkerland without a material data safety sheet will be refused. Non-Food products Non-food products must bear a CE mark, as required by European legislation. Tobacco As of 20 May 2019 the traceability of cigarettes and roll-your-own tobacco has been achieved in a central EU database. From May 2024 traceability must also be guaranteed for all other tobacco products. This is a ‘unique identification mark (UI)’: an alphanumeric code that allows a unit packet or an aggregate packet of tobacco products to be identified. Lekkerland does not accept cigarettes, roll-your-own tobacco and cigars without this Track & Trace code. Private Label Agreements concerning a Private Label account apply as agreed with the account concerned. The conditions set out below apply to Lekkerland Private Label products: • Prior to entering into a contract with Lekkerland, you should always send one sample for assessment and testing to the Lekkerland Quality Management department in Son. Samples should meet the required specifications. • You are responsible for providing Lekkerland with up-to-date product information sheets of all Private Label products prior to the first delivery. These should preferably be delivered in digital format. • In the event of changes to the product information sheets of products that you deliver/ are going to deliver to us, you should always immediately provide Lekkerland with the updated product information sheets. These should preferably be delivered in digital format. • You give Lekkerland permission to have your Private Label products tested by an external laboratory. If
• Orders: template ORDERS • Receipt confirmation: template APERAK • Shipping notices: template DESADV
• Invoices: Orders are placed via EDI. If you use EDI you also have to use DESADV (including response messages, receiptmessage and invoice messages) • In case of a malfunction, as a result of which orders do not follow through, we will order through an alternative method. There will always be contact between our supply chain department and the contact person of the supplier.
Suppliers Manual | 2025 Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
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7.2 Delivery days and times per DC
Our warehouses are open for deliveries from Monday to Friday. The overview below shows the current situation on d.d. January 2025 and is subject to changes. Adjustments to the schedule will be commu nicated timely. In case of holidays we will contact you about adjusted delivery schedules. For crossdock and pick to zero we apply different time frames, and deliveries in the weekend can be neces sary. Time frames will be determined after consulting your supply chain department and can be subject to changes.
Location DC
Fresh (chilled)
06:00 - 13:30
06:00 - 12:30
does not apply
12:00 - 14:00
Waddinxveen (Deliveries only by appointment via Transporeon)
07:00 - 13:00
07:00 - 13:00
07:00 - 13:00
07:00 - 13:00
07:00 - 14:00 (No deliveries on Fridays)
does not apply
does not apply
does not apply
Suppliers Manual | 2025
Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
02 | 03 14 | 15
You can choose from various time slots depending on the product group. Transporeon offers the unique opportunity to make fixed recurring reservations that are exclusively available for you. You still need to confirm this time slot every week. As soon as you have received an order from Lekker land Nederland b.v., you can book a time slot via the system. This requires the Lekkerland order number and the “quantity of goods” expressed in pallets. If multiple orders are delivered by one carrier - even from different suppliers - Transporeon offers the option to combine these orders, so that only one time slot is required. After registration, Transporeon is your contact when it comes to using the system. Transporeon is also the contracting party with which you enter into corpora tion. As a user, you will receive a monthly invoice directly from Transporeon for an amount of € 2.89 per booking in Transporeon. Advantages of Transporeon: • Flexible: easily book a time slot for each delivery, so you are flexible in your planning. • Fixed delivery time: reserve a fixed time slot per week/day. • No waiting times during unloading: upon arrival at the Lekkerland site at the scheduled time, we will treat your driver as a priority and unload your truck immediately. This significantly reduces the risk of waiting times and disruption to your daily schedule. We will start in our DC Waddinxveen. After the rollout in Waddinxveen, we will also further implement Transporeon at our other DC’s (Son and Meppel). We will inform you about this in a timely manner. Lekkerland offers various services and customized warehousing and logistics solutions for food and non-food items in the convenience and retail sector. Because we have such a close-knit distribution network and operate multi-temperature distribution (3Ts; product groups ambient/sustainable, fresh & frozen in 1 stop), we offer the following logistics services: Inbound Logistics/Backhaul Logistics Lekkerland offers the possibility for backhauling (ambient/ sustainable, fresh & frozen). Lekkerland manages the inbound flow of your goods to our distribution centers. We plan these pick-ups based on existing distribution routes as much as possible. We not only provide this service to the suppliers of 8.3 Lekkerland Supply Chain
8. Delivery Criteria Lekkerland is always in the lead when it comes to logistics. Together with our supply chain department you can discuss the location of delivery (for instance to 1 or more DC’s), the frequency of delivery, and the moment of delivery (data and time). This also accounts for customer specific suppliers. Special requests should be discussed with our Supply chain department timely in order to create a beneficial situation for both parties. • When you receive your Lekkerland order, you will receive an order number. This number should be stated on both the transport document and on your invoice. • Deviations in orders we have placed should be reported to the Central Stock Management department at least 48 hours prior to delivery. • Deviations that have an order lead time of less than 24 hours should be reported before 5:00 PM on the day the order is received. • The delivery day/time slot of the order are stated on every order confirmation. • In the event of deviation from the requested delivery day/time slot without prior notification, Lekkerland reserves the right to refuse the delivery or to charge the extra costs. If customer orders of Lekkerland suffer as a result of an inadequate delivery, the supplier will be charged for the additional costs incurred. • As a supplier, you are responsible for ensuring that the correct instructions are passed on to your logistics service provider (order number, delivery day, time slot, etc.). • To ensure a safe working environment, all vehicle drivers must able to speak at least Dutch or English. If this is not the case, Lekkerland is entitled to deny the driver entry. • One CMR per packing slip is required. If a CMR concerns several packing slips, each packing slip number must be unique and stated in full on the relevant CMR. From September 1, 2024, you or your transport service provider must make a reliable time slot reservation through the system ‘Transporeon’. For this you need a Transporeon account. If you don’t have an account yet, you can create this via this QR Code or via lekkerland-b.v. 8.1 Deliveries 8.2 Handling inbound goods
Lekkerland Wholesale, but also to the supplier to your own or external warehouse. We offer this service at competitive and attractive rates. Cross-dock Logistics Our warehouses are extremely suitable for handling cross-dock shipments. This is a very interesting way of providing logistics services, especially for goods with small volumes and high turnover rates (e.g. due to use-by date). Central delivery is to one of the three warehouses of Lekkerland, after which we arrange the delivery to the other DCs (e.g. from Son to Waddinx veen). The refrigerated and frozen warehouses available make it possible to transship conditioned products. We offer this service at competitive rates compared to self-delivering to 3 DC’s. When you deliver goods to a Lekkerland DC, you must observe and conform to the general guidelines. These guidelines have also been sent separately to all our suppliers, (they are also posted at the entrance to the Goods Receipt): • You are obliged to observe general standards of conduct; treat others as you expect to be treated. • The maximum speed for trucks on the Lekkerland premises is walking pace. Pedestrians always have priority. • Lekkerland expects you to keep the premises neat and tidy and to not leave any waste whatsoever. • Safety shoes and vests are compulsory on the Lekkerland premises. • Deliveries must always be made on the agreed date and within the agreed time slot. Exceptions are only possible in the event of an emergency and if the capacity planning of the DC allows it. • Changes or deviations to planned orders must be reported at least 48 hours in advance to the Lekker land Central Stock Management department. Make sure you have the correct paperwork and the correct references. • Always sign up with a worker of the collection Receipt Goods department first • Always sort pallet places based on the instructions of the Lekkerland employee • Multiple goods on one pallet are only allowed when an intermediate pallet is applied • To protect the goods from splinters, we prefer a layer of paper/carbon on the bottom of wooden pallets • Always discuss the return of deposit packaging with the employee of goods receipt first. • Food deliveries must not take place together with hazardous substances or in a contaminated vehicle. Contamination includes: leaks, hazardous substances, pungent odours from, for example: fish, meat, chemicals, etc. 8.4 General deliveries matters
8.5 Unloading goods and SSCC labeling
Unloading of goods On arrival, you should be able to unload at a Lek kerland DC dock. Delivery by lorry/truck is the only option. If an exception needs to be made, this is only possible with the cooperation of the Lekkerland Sup ply Chain. Only the driver is permitted to enter the Lekkerland premises. For safety reasons, other people must remain in the lorry/truck during the unloading pro cess. Lekkerland has strict rules concerning external parties entering the premises. Your driver or logistics service provider must, therefore, always observe and follow the instructions given and the lines marked on the ground. Stock products must be delivered on pallets, and cross-dock deliveries must be delivered on roll cages. If your goods are to be delivered on pallets, then a pallet may only contain one product. The type of pallet may differ for each DC, but Lekkerland prefers Euro pool pallets (CHEP, IPP, LPR euro pallets) If you deliver multiple products per pallet, the different products must be separated by a pallet in between. Deliveries that do not meet this requirement must be restacked by you. The pallet height may differ for each DC, but the maximum height is 1.80 m. The supplier must be able to unload the pallets and must therefore have a pallet truck available. Cross-dock deliveries must be made on Lekkerland roll cages. Orders must be delivered separately per DC, per route, and per customer. Each crate must state a route number, route serial number, account number, the delivering Lekkerland DC, the date of receipt by the customer and the number of crates. Each barrel delivered must be provided with a barrel ticket with the following details: • Date / DC / debtor number / route / sequence number / numbering (1 of...) • Barcode EAN 128 for Scan/SSCC purposes Chilled products are delivered in three different ways • As a central delivery to Waddinxveen, according to the agreed order and delivery schedule (DC delivery), or • As a decentralized delivery to Meppel, Son, and Waddinxveen, according to the agreed order and delivery schedule at least six times a week (cross-dock customer level) • As a central delivery to Waddinxveen, according to the agreed order and delivery schedule at least six times a week (Pick to Zero).
The driver should always report to a Lekkerland employee before unloading. For chilled and frozen
Suppliers Manual | 2025
Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
02 | 03 16 | 17
deliveries, the driver should preferably hand over a temperature logging document of the lorry/truck upon arrival at Lekkerland DC. The delivery temperature of Chilled products should be a minimum of 2°C and a maximum of 7°C. The minimum temperature of Frozen products is -15°C. Deliveries are checked for their best-before date, HACCP, quantity, and physical condition. The goods are not accepted if defects are identified upon receipt. In consultation, it is determined whether a new delivery should be sent immediately or whether the goods are reordered. Breakages that are discovered later and which can be attributed to the supplier will be returned, and the full costs must be reimbursed. If a delivery contains more than one best-before date, this should be stated on the delivery note. Also, products with different THTs should be separated by pallet. Lekkerland only accepts deliveries based on chronological best-before dates and best-before dates which meet the agreed minimum best-before date upon delivery at the DC. Your products should be appropriately packed in relation to the weight and the nature of the product, so that the products can be stacked and can be delivered to Lekkerland customers without being damaged. This means that the products must be sufficiently protected against breakage/damage during normal handling during the entire logistic process of receipt, storage, order picking, and transport on mixed roll cages. When goods and/or packaging is delivered or returned, both an employee of the Lekkerland Goods Receipt department and the driver must sign the delivery note. EAN Barcode Lekkerland strives for the perfect order and to be the most convenient partner. Part of this vision is flawless logistics, delivering what the customer ordered on time. To ensure that the right articles are collected, the objective is to run as many logistics transactions as possible via article EAN scan confirmation. To make this possible, a GS1-compliant barcode on all packaging levels and corresponding EAN master data are required. All delivered packaging units (consumer units, order units, transport boxes, displays, etc.) should have an EAN with a scannable barcode. The barcode should be printed on all sides of the packaging, except the top and bottom. The barcode must be scannable with minimum dimensions for the barcode 37.29 mm (L) by 22.85 mm (W). These dimensions may be increased by a maximum of 100%.
The following requirements also apply: • There must always be a contrast between the bar code and the background (the packaging). • Ensure that the area around the barcode is brighter in contrast • The barcode must be in the top right-hand corner on each side of the packaging. • Barcodes are printed on straight sides and not on bumpy areas (creases). Articles that are unexpectedly delivered with a deviation from the logistical conditions / EAN master data and barcode are reported upon receipt of goods via a standard process as a deviation in our ERP system Legmis, with photos as evidence on the CargoSnap web page. material on the CargoSnap web portal: On this deviation portal all reported information comes together automatically. A direct link to photos can be found as evidence for reports and both internal and external parties can work in the same file, so that synchronisation problems between different forms of administration are a thing of the past. The portal also provides mail triggers towards the responsible Lekkerland HK department and suppliers in case of new notifications or important updates in a file. The aim of the portal is transparency and ease of use in the follow-up of deviations, to ultimately minimise the lead time from report to solution and eliminate deviations in the future, so that scanning can be structurally applied as an assurance tool in all warehouse processes.
A manual can be found at the back of this supplier manual.
SSCC-labeling The use of SSCC labeling is mandatory. This applies to all deliveries, both ambient/sustainable, fresh and frozen, not only to barrels. Scanning GS1 labels with SSCC codes and booking goods immediately saves time and money. This solution allows companies to bring their flow of administration fully in line with the flow of goods.
8.6 Missing goods
Lekkerland prefers EDI-messaging in the ordering process. This applies to orders, receipt information, send messaging and alignment of the EDI connection will happen in collaboration with Lekkerland. You can find the EDI questionnaire at For questions and remarks you can contact Suppliers can only use load carriers that are allowed by Lekkerland. Changes in type of load carriers are only allowed after consulting and approval of Lekkerland. Rolling load carriers Lekkerland uses multiple rolling load carriers; roll cages and dollies (attachment 2). For cross-dock operation the use of rolling carriers is mandatory. The maximum stacking height for suppliers upon delivery on dolly is 1,80 m. including the load carrier. Display requirements • Size requirements: Rolling display: ground sizes of 40 x 60 cm (dolly). Exceeding the ground size is not allowed. Maximum height; 1.65 meter (including undercarriage). Maximum weight; 200kg. • Undercarriage: Dolly Container Centralen • The administration of Dollies is in the hands of “Container Centralen” More information regarding dollies at the container centralen can be found in attachment 3. • State the same information as stated on the standard packaging (article numbers, name. instructions) on two sides. The stickers must be readable from 7 meters distance. • Use a ‘front side indication’ on the display • The display must be transport resistant. The weight must be divided in a way that the display cannot collapse in normal handling in logistics. • The displays must be provided with 2 solid tires strapes, with extra reinforcements in the areas where the strapes tires put pressure on the top. Display construction Most of the displays are top heavy. This means that the center of gravity is in the top. This is caused by the relatively small floor area and/or empty space in the foot. From a quality & safety point of view you need to prevent the display from falling/collapsing during transport. We request the following requirements; • Staple the display structure to the display pallet • Use a firm structure with enough staple-resistance • Use a hat of corrugated board over the construction • Strap the display in plastic strips. 8.8 Load carries
A full list should be available that can be used to check the inbound goods. Lekkerland checks the number of barrels upon receipt. The basic premise is that the manufacturer remains responsible for the contents of the barrels. The contents are not checked by Lekkerland. • All barrels must be checked when the goods are received using the barrel lists included by the manufacturer and by scanning the delivered barrels. • Any defects should be specified on the manufacturer’s delivery note when the goods are delivered by the manufacturer to a DC. The driver is obliged to wait for this. • If products are out-of-stock during production or pick-up, manufacturers should inform us of this daily by e-mail. We expect to receive a report from XD (cross-dock) via EDI and feedback about the quantities delivered per customer (DESADV). • If this is not possible yet, reporting must take place via e-mail. These reports must be sent to the Customer Service department before 9:00 AM per DC, stating the product and the route number. • The means of transport by which goods are delivered must be clean and free of abnormal odors. Lekkerland prefers the use of Euro size pool pallets (CHEP, IPP and LPR). EPAL/White Euro pallets are only exchanged. In principle, Lekkerland does not accept any billing of packaging regarding Euro pallets. If exchange pallets are not available, the supplier will receive a voucher. This Voucher is valid for a maximum of 1 month after issuance. This only applies to the deliveries in our ambient and chilled DC’s. It does not apply to frozen deliveries. For more information about pool systems we refer to attachment 5 for contact information. Suppliers that use EPS or CBL crates should confirm to the agreements of the pool provider. This agreement includes registration and a valid contract for the requested number of crates. Lekkerland only returns crates (type + number) to suppliers when a collection order is provided by the pool provider. This applies to crates, dolly’s and pallets. We do not allow delivery in other types of crates. Availability and the value of the packaging (emballage) is always the responsibility of the supplier and pool provider. More information regarding procedures of pool providers is provided in attachment 3. 8.7 Deposit packaging (Emballage)
Suppliers Manual | 2025
Annual Publication Lekkerland Nederland B.V.
02 | 03 18 | 19
To prevent reduction of the tension on the straps, the strapping of the display is best applied under tension and thermally (by melting) or with a metal seal. With heavy profiles (>60kg) we suggest that you use cardboard corner profiles. These cause more tension on the straps without cutting in the display. It also causes a better distribution of the pressure which results in more stability. Display delivery on pallet We require 4 display pallets per EURO-pallet upon delivery. To allow easy stacking of the displays with a forklift truck, the displays must be placed with the ‘ears/overhang’ facing outwards. Before transport to Lekkerland the pallets need to be wrapped in wrapping foil. If done mechanically, you must pay attention to the loading. If the wrapping is too tight, the top and the display construction can get damaged. We therefore recommend for heavy displays to add additional straps around the display and pallet. Please add the article number clearly on the ‘hat’ of the display. In case of inadequate packaging/delivery of displays, Lekkerland reserves the right to charge the resulting additional costs to the supplier
Requirements for pallets • Delivered pallets need to be damage-free, dry and of good quality. For example; they should not break during handling on a DC. • We allow only one product per pallet (homogene ous pallets). We only allow combined pallets if for every new product an in between pallet will be used We do not accept mixed pallets. The homogeneity of the pallet loading should be organized in a way that after removal of any transport packaging materials, the commercial product remains on the pallet as a “block”. E.g. correlated stacking. •Any transport packaging materials (such as foil) that have been removed on the instructions of Lekkerland will be immediately taken back by the Supplier upon delivery. In addition to the request to use these foils as little as possible, we ask that the foils be as transpa rent as possible. This allows them to be recycled in an optimal way. • We do not allow any other outer packaging other than strictly necessary for stability. The use of glue between the anti-slip sheets is only permitted if strictly necessary. • We determine the maximum height of the pallet to gether with our suppliers. Determining factors are the volume and turnover rates, the physical stackability of the colli (to prevent collapsing) and the available heights in the shelves of our DC’s. Please consult our supply chain department for more information. • Products need to be stacked within the pallet dimensions. Pallets need to be stacked according to a fixed pattern in which every layer needs to contain the same amount of colli. • We do not allow pallets that exceed the maximum weight that is allowed for that type of pallet. The usual maximum weights are 1000 kg for euro pallets and 1200 kg for Blok pallets. Circumstances can vary per DC which can lead to deviations in these maximum weights. Please contact our supply chain department for more information. • Supplier is obliged to take back all used packaging that is not part of a so-called “pool system”, at own expense en risk immediately after unloading. Any remaining packaging can be returned at the supplier’s expense.
Blokpallet (100x120 cm)
Europallet (80x120 cm)
DPB (kunststof)
EPAL / witte EURO-pallets
Pallets Lekkerland requires all suppliers to deliver on pool pallets. Lekkerland uses 2 pallet sizes: 100 x120 (Blok pallet) and 80 x 120 cm (Euro pallet). Suppliers can use only 1 of these pallet sizes per delivery. For chilled transport (AGF excluded) delivery on 80x120 cm is required.
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