Suppliers Manual 2024
9.5 Unforeseen quality issues
Invoice by e-mail Invoices in PDF format can be sent to Note: per invoice we allow one PDF including attachment. Please use unique filenames for each invoice in which the invoicenumber should be part of the filename.
If you foresee problems regarding delivery in the delivery chain (that cause problems in delivery for example poor harvest or availability), supplier needs to inform the contact persons of Category Manage ment and Supply Chain. Please inform us 48 hours upon delivery by writing (email) and by phone. The message should contain the following subjects: • The nature of the quality issues • The expected duration of the quality issues • Possible alternatives in case of long term delivery issues • Possible countermeasures. If the quality of a product cannot be guaranteed and does not comply with the agreed quality demands by supplier and NO alternative product is available, then the product cannot be delivered and will not be ac cepted by Lekkerland. For quality issues regarding goods that already have been delivered we refer to our recall procedure menti oned in chapter 5. Electronic invoicing has become part of corporate social responsibility and Lekkerland will gladly participate in this. In addition, electronic B2B invoices within the EU are mandatory for companies registered for VAT. Electronic invoices must be sent and/ or received in a structured format via the PEPPOL network and the PEPPOL-BIS standard. Paper invoices or unstructured formats (e.g., PDF) are not permitted. Our goal is to have all communication regarding the trade flow go through EDI. You can submit your requests to our IT department (ict. helpdesk@ or send an e-mail to or by phone through +31 40 264 44 19. We will then explore whether invoicing by EDI is possible. Deviations higher than the agreed colli/kilo price will not be accepted when delivering alternatives. 10. Invoicing 10.1 Invoicing by EDI
10.3 Focus of attention
• When you receive your Lekkerland order, you will receive an order number. You must state this number on your invoice. Your invoice will not be processed if it does not include this order number. • We expect to receive one invoice for every order; please do not send a collective invoice. • The invoice date must not be before the delivery date. • If the invoice is not drawn up according to these terms, we will reject the invoice. Self-Billing is only allowed with permission of Lekkerland. • Invoicing is based on the price and conditions agreed. Depending on the product category, the price and conditions are agreed with Lekkerland. If you are affiliated with Maxxam C.V. in Ede, then the agreements must be made with Maxxam C.V. in Ede. • The price lists approved by Maxxam are always leading. If a supplier is not a contract supplier of Maxxam, the general price list is leading. It is never possible to use several different purchase prices for a single product for Lekkerland. Ask your contact person about alternative options. • Procedure for processing Maxxam CBK invoices: The invoice address must be as follows: Lekkerland Nederland BV p/a Maxxam CBK The delivery address may differ from the above if the invoice address is stated correctly on the invoice. • Invoices need to meet the standards of the Dutch tax legislation and invoice-demands. If your invoice does not meet the requirements we will not accept the invoice. More information regarding this topic can be found at the website of our tax authority: • If you, as a supplier, have established price and condition agreements for customer-specific items directly with our customer, invoicing must also take place separately from the general wholesale items. In these cases, billing must be done separately per customer. Please mention both order number and customer name. You can state the customer name in the address, attn. Accounts Payable / Customer Name. • Invoicing is based on the delivered quantities x the agreed price and conditions. bldcontentnl/belastingdienst/zakelijk/btw/ administratie_bijhouden/facturen_maken/ factuureisen Postbus 385 6710 BJ Ede
10.2 Non-EDI Invoicing
Basically invoicing by EDI is mandatory. When you are not ready for this, as a transitional situation you can sent invoices to our head office in Son:
Lekkerland Nederland B.V. Attn. Accounts Payable Ekkersrijt 7601 5692 HR Son
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